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Naturezymes CHRP

Perfect Energy #5

Pour one packet into 200ml(6.8oz) of warm water or MFC 1 water 3 times a day. (morning, afternoon, night)

About the product
It reduces the feeling of hunger, replaces a meal with enzyme meal, can be a recovery meal, enhances the muscle, and supplements vitamin and the essential nutrients.
It contains fermented grain powder, soy bean protein, dextrin, glucomannan, brown rice powder, barley powder, seaweed powder, germinated grain powder, and more.

아침,점심,저녁 따뜻한 물또는 MFC 1(200ml)에 타서 드십시요.

[제품에 대하여]
공복감 해소,식사대용 효소식,회복식,근력강화,비타민&필수 연양소 보충.

곡류발효분말 (현미, 보리, 율무, 메밀, 대두), 대두단백, 덱스트린, 글루코만난, 현미분말, 보리분말, 해조분말, 발아곡류혼합분말(발아현미, 발아보리, 발아율무, 발아흑미, 발아검정콩, 발아수수, 발아메밀, 발아참깨, 발아검정깨), 혼합과일추출물분말(망고,사과, 매실), 천일염, 산화마그네슘, 구연산삼나트륨, 비타민 C, 비타민 B1, 스테비올배당체, 판토텐산칼슘, 비타민 B2, 비타민 B6, 니코틴산아미드, 엽산, 산화아연, 구연산칼륨, 황산망간, 함초분말 함유.

早、中、晚 温水或 MFC 1 (200ml)一起服用。



This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Human consumption only.